school girl...

Ok, this time I didn't buy a new lens, I rented one.  So I have six days to take as many pictures as I can with a 75mm lens for my Leica camera before I have to return it.  As soon as Sadi came in from school, I had her go to the back yard so I could take a few pictures while it was still light outside.  She definitely had the "school girl" look with her glasses and the blue and white pinstriped shirt.  The bokeh that the lens produces is very nice.  If you look real close you will see that her face in in focus, but the tip of her nose is out of focus.  At f/2.5, the lens has a thin focus plane.  I love this!  Looking forward to the next 5 days...

1 comment:

  1. You RENTED a lens? That is about the funniest thing I've ever heard. At least you didn't get in trouble with Sherri (or at least, not as much trouble.)
