a piercing image...

Haven't posted in forever, but I had to post this.  Maci took Pyper to the mall today to get her ears pierced.  I am not one to watch something like this because I get weak just being there.  However, afterwards the photo opportunity was something that I couldn't pass up.  Maci was walking out of the mall and Pyper was beginning to stop crying.  I wanted to capture her feelings in  the aftermath of the pain.  After I got home and looked at the image, I was taken back.  I noticed Pyper had a single tear coming down her cheek.  The new earrings are barely visible because of the shallow depth of field (I used the 50mm Summicron f/2.0 lens), but the tear is clearly there along with a little sparkle in her eyes.  Notice how Maci is smiling while looking at Pyper.  On the eve of Father's day I must reflect...  This is but the first of many opportunities for Maci to smile in the aftermath of Pyper's inevitable pains.  What a beautiful feeling to be a father watching your daughter smile after seeing that her daughter is going to be ok.  If you know me very well, you would know that I have tears right now...