A daughter's love...

Sherri will absolutely kill me for even thinking about putting a picture like this on my blog, but the more I looked through these pictures that I took the other day in Childress, the more I got to thinking about how wonderful she actually is...  To me this is the perfect example of how a dad would want his kid to turn out (and notice the blurred image of Sadi intently watching her mom take care of her grandpa). Makes me get emotional just thinking of what is going through all of their minds.  Sherri's dad has been getting progressively worse over the last year, but he somehow continues to defy all odds.  I would ask that if you are reading this that you would pray for Chauncey's comfort/peace and that you would also pray for Sherri, her sisters and the grandkids.  They are all going through alot right now, but it makes me realize how much we need each other and a God who absolutely loves us and has it all under control... 

1 comment:

  1. That is a precious photo, and I think Sherri will appreciate it now that he is gone. So glad she was able to spend time with him. Blessings to all of you!
