pyper's shiner...

It's been almost a week since Pyper got a shiner when she fell off the bed.  Stopped by this afternoon to try and get a picture before it went away. It is definitely more noticeable when she closes her eye, but not near as photogenic. The second picture shows her latest way of smiling when you ask her to "say cheese".  All I can say is that she wears the shiner well.  She is cute even with a black eye... 

a good morning...

Newpaper, coffee and bisquit... Enjoying some relaxing time this morning and realized that I should stop and take a picture.  Of course the Leica was within arm's reach. Slightly edited for a nostalgic effect...

two Pypers...

Reflections are always fun to photograph, but sometimes hard to catch. Over the Christmas holidays, Pyper was at our house watching Wilco and Sophi play in the back yard. I focused on her hands so that both "faces" would be slightly out of focus. Makes it look like there could be two Pypers. Thankfully, there is only one...