i am second...

I snapped this quick picture over the weekend of Sadi and me.  Another picture taken in our garage.  I love the shadows that show the direction of the light.  I modified it using Color Efex Pro to increase color/contrast and then Silver Efex Pro to change it to black and white and increase the contrast a little more.  IMO, this created some neat effects.

For some reason I always like being the first to post a picture that I took, but Sadi beat me to it on this one.  She added it to her Facebook pictures just a little bit ago.  She has already received more comments than I will get here.  In many ways I guess that makes me second...


  1. She's a pretty girl ... she makes you look good. :)

    I know you're proud and you should be.

  2. I agree. Thank goodness both of my girls take after their mother! Absolutely proud of her!

  3. Maybe if you had a facebook account you could post there and we could comment without trying to remember our login information. ~ Johanna
