the jesus banquet in honduras...

I have not done as well as I would have liked in getting all of my Honduras pictures put on my blog.  I will blame alot of this on the good food that I ate while I was in Honduras.  My stomach was very upset that I only had American food to eat when I got back.  That, plus one of the worst colds that I have had in many years.  It has been a hard week, but I continually think that all of this is nothing compared to what many of the Hondurans endure every day.

My posts are not in any order.  I still have at least one more Honduras blog post to go.  Tonight's post is from our first full day in Honduras.  The day was spent near the dump at Tegucigalpa.  I won't go too much into the story around it.  I will let the pictures speak (along with a few words) for this day.

we got there very early...

security was provided...

we picked up alot of trash to clean up the area...

dennis, and many others, came to play soccer...

some had to rest...

others discussed what else could be done...

trey found a bobcat fan...

this was a way to get a better view of the banquet...

here are the water bags...

here is the food (minus the corn tortillas)...

we lined up to serve the people of honduras...

while we waited, we took pictures and showed them...

there was no shortage of food or smiles...

who said that you need to know the language to communicate...

my favorite picture of the day...

Words cannot express the impact that a day like this can have on an individual.  Trey hit it on the head when he said that "Honduras is something that you have to experience first hand to understand".  I can honestly tell you that a trip like this totally changes your perspective.  Now that I am back, I count my blessings more and I absolutely look forward to doing this again and again and again...

1 comment:

  1. If you would like some pictures showing a larger view, contact me. I took pictures from the second floor of the AFE classrooms as we watched the masses arrive and participate in this fantastic event. My husband and I are teachers at the AFE school next to the football field. It was such a blessing to witness your love and caring for the people in this dump community. Thank you!!
